Learn How To Invest as a Beginner

Once you start saving, what comes next? It's learning how to invest. Here are resources to help you learn how to invest as a beginner.

March 23, 2021

Today’s post isn’t going to be anything special.

It’s just a personal blog update providing you with resources to help you learn how to invest as a beginner.

If you don’t already know, YouTube is one of the best free ways to learn how to invest—and that’s what I’m doing.

Apps like Robinhood and Acorn are investing apps. They are super popular investment tools to help people like you and me learn how to invest even though we’re noobs.

Not to mention, the apps have friendly user interfaces to help people navigate their platforms.

What’s a user interface? Think of it as the app platform and the elements of the app that you interact with. 

I know nothing about investments—well, that’s not true. 

It’s more accurate to say I have very intermediate knowledge about investments. At this point. 

But I digress.

What I want to share is that the next phase of my life is to learn how to invest. 

Y’all, I make $43,000 per year and if I want to move myself out of my current situation, I’m going to have to learn the skills to get myself out.

And that starts with investing. 

I am going to learn how to invest so that I can retire before I turn 40, make passive income from my dividends, and live off my dividends.

(Pssst. Dividends are basically the money you earn from your investments).

I will be using InMyTwenties.co as the platform to document my journey in the hopes of inspiring you to take actions too.

There’s no time to waste, time to get started!

Anyways, before I end this article, I want to share a few resources with you.

Learn How to Invest as a Beginner with These Resources

For someone like me who has practically no one to go to for advice and tips on how to invest, I have to start from ground zero.

But it’s because I am starting from ground zero that I know I have to dedicate as much time as I can to learn these things.

Here are the YouTubers I currently follow on Youtube that have taught me so much about how to invest in the stock market, personal finance, and so much more.

Investing with Rose: I love Rose’s channel. There are not that many women on YouTube who cover finance, so when I saw her channel, I knew I had to subscribe. Rose was the person who inspired me to start investing. It was through her videos that I learned about how to open a Roth IRA in the first place. She provides beginner-friendly investor advice in everyday language so it’s very easy to understand what she is saying.

Andrei Jikh: Andrei’s content is more focused on the stock market and how to invest with Robinhood. His videos are also entertaining to watch. He’s funny, makes jokes, and best of all? His card tricks are amazing. He’s one of the fastest-growing YouTubers in the finance sector. I remembered he only had a few thousand followers like a year and a half ago, but today he has over 1 Million subscribers! Guess how much he makes now after starting his YouTube channel just two years ago? Over one million dollars! Wish I made that much moolah!

Humphrey Yang: I found out about Humphrey through his Tik Toks. He tends to post shorter videos, but they are still jam-packed with valuable content. It’s through him that I’m learning how to build my Roth IRA and investment portfolios. He not only covers topics on how to invest as a beginner, but he also focuses on other topics, too. Definitely check him out.

There are many more I follow, but these are the main four I want to highlight. You may be aware of other more well-known YouTubers like Graham Stephan or Nate O’ Brien, but I chose the people above because:

  1. These people are humble human beings who don’t brag about their money.
  2. They keep their content real so there’s none of that get-rich-quick scheme.
  3. Their investment videos are educational and informative.

That’s it for now. I hope these resources are great starting points for you. Next? It’s time to hit the books and learn as much as I can!

Do you use Youtube to learn about personal finance? What’s your favorite channel? Comment down below because I’m putting a list of resources together and want to share this with my readers.

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