How Do I Know When It’s Time to Move Job?

As you gain more experience, you’ll be able to tell when it’s time to move on. But here are a few general indicators of when it is time to move on.

November 21, 2020

At first, I thought I knew the answer. But I realized that the answer was only a quarter of the many reasons why I should leave my job. Or when I should leave. 

I thought it was simply: When I realize I want to pursue other things. But there’s more. 

Here, I’d like to share some very useful tips that I use to help me determine if it’s time to move on.

How to Know When It’s Time to Move On?

There are many decisions that go into this as the decision is yours. As you gain more experience, you’ll be able to tell when it’s time to move on. But the following are a few general indicators of when it’s time to move on. 

  • You’ve reached your maximum potential. You feel as if you’ve done everything you can at your job and learn everything you need to learn. It’s time to move on.
  • You feel that you can earn a higher salary elsewhere.
  • You feel as if the culture of your organization is changing or has changed in a way that you’re uncomfortable with.
  • You notice that the company is downsizing and there are signs of financial hardships.
  • You don’t feel challenged in your work.
  • You’re not enjoying your work.
  • Your desire for a new phase in your career outweighs your desire for the security of staying at your job. Or vice versa. Certain jobs seem exciting and challenging, but they carry certain risks.
  • You’re a point where you strongly dislike your job and it’s affecting your health in a negative way.
  • You have circumstances that impact your job performance (e.g., moving, family circumstances, the death of a loved one, etc.)

These kinds of decisions depend on a logical and intuitive feeling. Almost as if you know it’s time to move on. As mentioned before, as you gain more experience in the workplace, you will start to understand when it’s time to move on. 

This begs the question, should I look for a job while I currently have a job? Check out this post to learn about active and passive job searches.

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