What are the Pros and Cons of Working With a Staffing Agency?

November 21, 2020

Working with a staffing agency can differ from recruiter to recruiter. They can make or break the experience for you. Here are some of the best perks I’ve noticed from working with staffing agencies. Not sure what a staffing agency is? Check out this blog post to learn more. 

Pros of Working With a Staffing Agency

  1. A recruiter does the job search for you. 
  2. A recruiter does the negotiation of salary between you and the hiring manager so you don’t have to. By far, this is one of the best perks if you’re an introvert like me.
  3. Working with a staffing agency puts you in front of the hiring manager because recruiters work directly with the hiring manager. Staffing agencies tend to have already-established relationships with companies, so your chances of getting a job interview are higher. This puts you higher on the list of job applicants.
  4. A recruiter can help you practice for a job interview. Most recruiters will help you by sending over valuable practice interview information. I received a super-duper useful list of the most commonly asked interview questions and a guide that taught me the STAR interview method. Once my library is up and running, I will link these resources there.
  5. Your recruiter will check up on you even after you’ve been placed in your job to make sure you’re comfortable and everything is going well. If you’re not happy with something, they will work with you to address your concerns.

Cons of working With a staffing agency

  1. Your starting offer is very low. Make sure to discuss your rate if you know the recruiter is lowballing you. Staffing agencies make money from placing you in the position, so at least $1-$3 will be taken out of your daily rate to cover the cost of assisting you. 
  2. There are more contracts and temporary positions than there are full-time positions. Your job isn’t stable and you may find yourself looking for another job within 6-12 months.
  3. Recruiters will push you to take a job offer, even if you don’t want to. This is because recruiters make a commission from successfully placing you in a job. If you’re not convinced, check out this article from Forbes.
  4. Some recruiters don’t give a shit about you. They just want your name on paper and will do absolutely nothing to help you. 

Staffing agencies are great if you’re just starting out and have no job leads. It’s better than blindly applying for a position through a job portal. Just make sure to do your research before you start working with one and you’ll be fine!

Have you used a staffing agency before? What was your experience like? Comment down below.

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  1. Alice

    This is so helpful! I’m trying to find a job during this time and have never used a staffing agency before, but will definitely give it a try.

    • kiablauj

      Thank you Alice! Keep us posted on how it went!