How Can I Get More Views on LinkedIn?

November 21, 2020

From my freshman year of college to the last semester of senior year, my LinkedIn barely has any views. I get maybe one or two views every few months. I even go online once a month to update my profile. But with each new update, the number of views never changed.

How many of you have had the same experience? If you’re currently looking for a job or just want to update your profile because it’s quarantine and you have nothing else to do, here are the exact methods I used to get over 30+ monthly views on my LinkedIn account that you can do today.

Keyword and SEO

After I graduated from university, I wanted to find a job as a technical writer or copywriter. I listed all the experiences I had under my LinkedIn profile, but the monthly views never increased nor were recruiters contacting me. That’s when I learned to optimize my LinkedIn profile using Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

I did a quick search on LinkedIn to find technical writing positions in the US and reviewed the job descriptions of these positions. I jotted down the keywords that I think were important and after reviewing multiple positions, I started to notice that there were certain keywords that appeared within almost every technical writing position: technical writing, cross-functional team, process documents, working collaboratively, wrote, guidelines, and more.

Once I had all the information I needed, I went to my LinkedIn profile and added these keywords into the job descriptions of my profile.

And boy did my views skyrocketed.

After that very first month, I went from 2-3 monthly views to over 30 views. 30! Compared to the two and three views that I used to get, this was huge!

More Useful Tips to Increase Your LinkedIn Views

Adding Numbers

But I did more than that. I started adding numbers to my job descriptions. If there is one thing I hope you will learn from this article, it is to use numbers in your job descriptions (well, this and optimizing your LinkedIn for keywords). 

For example, I used to work as a technical writer for an admissions consulting firm. In my job description, I specifically wrote:

  • Single-handedly created 5+ process documents ranging from 8–18 pages for current business processes while maintaining appropriate guidelines.

Notice how I added numbers and the important keywords that I mentioned above?

Adding Names of Programs You’ve Used

Here is another bonus tip: Include the software that you use at your job. I didn’t use to do this. but after going on so many phone interviews, I started noticing that the recruiter would ask me, “Have you used X before?”. 

That’s when I thought, what better way to showcase what programs I’ve used than on my LinkedIn profile?

After that first month of optimizing my LinkedIn profile, eight recruiters reached out to me about job offers and I gained over 30 monthly views.

Make Sure You’re Actively Applying is Turned On

Okay, I lie. Here is the #1 most important thing you need to do: Make sure that you are open to opportunities on LinkedIn! This is a MUST if you want recruiters to know that you are looking for a job.

I didn’t know about this and didn’t realize it was turned off until I started researching how to make my LinkedIn profile better.

Here is the exact article I read that showed me how to do that. But if you’re too lazy to do that I got you covered:

  1. Log in to LinkedIn.
  2. Click on Jobs.
  3. Select Career Interest at the top.
  4. Toggle on the option to Let recruiters know you’re open.
  5. Bonus Tip: Select Actively Applying under Where are you in your search?.

See? Simple as one-two-three! 

By turning on this option, you are letting recruiters know that you are open to opportunities. Now, you will start receiving messages on LinkedIn from recruiters!

You may be thinking, “Well this isn’t anything new.” And that’s totally fine. 

You’ve probably done your own research and learned these methods already, but have you actually implemented them? 

I challenge you to take these tips, go back on LinkedIn, dothem, and come back here to tell me your results.

What other tips have you found useful on LinkedIn? I’d love to read them, so leave a comment below!

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