Four Ways to Get a Raise at Work

November 21, 2020

There are those who will sit and complain about how they deserve a raise and then there are those who actually show that they deserve a raise. Who do you want to be?

Personally, I would like to sit and complain and still get a raise, hahaha. 

Anyway, when I started my job, I was only a month before my boss told me she was giving me a 3% raise. I mean it’s not much, but hey. I didn’t ask for it, but I’ll take it. 

What did I do to receive a raise? I just did what I was good at and made sure to go an extra mile every once in a while. 

Here, I’d like to share the exact four things I did that helped me get a raise at work. Maybe it’ll help you too?

1. Doing More Than What is Asked of You

This means exactly what it said. When my boss asks me to do something, I do a bit more than what she asks. In other words, I added something extra. 

For example, when she brings me into a meeting, I don’t just sit there. I took notes. And when I was done, I emailed her my notes. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Here’s an example of an email I wrote to my boss back when I first started:

Hi [Manager Name],

I took some notes at the meeting and outlined the key points as well as next steps. I thought this might be helpful so I’m sharing this with you. Let me know if you have any questions!”


You’re probably thinking, “Why would you do this extra work?” It’s little things like this that add up over time. When you show your boss that you’re valuable and that you want to succeed, your boss will take notice.

2. Helping Your Boss with His or Her Pain Points

You can observe your boss to pinpoint exactly what she needs the most assistance with, but the most direct route would be to simply ask. The most convenient time to ask is during your weekly one-on-one meeting, or whatever system you’re set up with.

The reason why your boss hired you is to help him or her with a task or tasks. That’s why instead of just paying attention to what I was supposed to do, I asked her how I could help make her job easier. I started asking these questions early in my weekly meetings with her:

  • Are there projects that I should be prioritizing right now?
  • I understand that I’m responsible for [your role], but are there other areas that you need assistance with?

Or sometimes, I say, “If you need assistance with any other projects, I’m more than happy to assist.”

Sometimes, being direct and asking what my boss needs is the most straightforward way to help my boss. 

Again, if you’re wondering why you should do this, it’s because bosses value people who solve their problems for them. 

3. Showing You Can Deliver Results

When I show that Ii can deliver results, I am telling my boss that I am valuable and indispensable. 

Next time your boss asks you to do something, do it in an efficient manner and make sure to deliver high-quality work. This shows that not only can you turn work around quick, you also make sure they’re good.

Here’s an easy trick I found online that’s really helped me that you can do, too: people have Under-promise and over-deliver—especially if you know you can deliver the results.

For example, if your boss asks you to research a list of 15 print vendors in the local area and you come back with a list of 20 vendors with detailed and well-researched notes, you’re overdelivering. This shows that you’re a capable person who is reliable. Your boss and the people around you will depend on you and you can use this to your advantage to ask for bigger and better projects.

4. Taking Initiative 

When I started my job, instead of asking my boss for every little thing, I tried to find the answer first before asking my boss. This means finding things out on my own. 

In your case, if you’re not sure where an item is? Ask your coworker first before going to your boss. Need to store a specific file in a folder? Look it up on your company network before asking your boss. Not sure what this word or who this person is? Do research on your company roster before asking your boss. 

You should try to show that you’re a self-sufficient person. Once you find the answer, run it by your boss and ask for his or her opinion. If it looks like you’re on the right track, your boss will let you know. If you’re looking at the wrong place, they will advise you because you’ve done your research. Heck, your boss might be impressed by you.

But I also made sure I wasn’t wasting too much time looking for the answer. Here’s a trick that I us.: 

If after 15-minutes of research and I still can’t find the answer, I ask your boss. But instead of sending them her email, “Hey I can’t find this. Where can I find it?” I send the something along the following:

Hi [Manager Name],

I did a bit of research to find out more about [your task]. I looked at [places or resources where you’ve looked] but I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. Will you be able to assist or point me in the right direction?”

Thank you!

This shows your boss that you’ve done your homework, but still need assistance after not being able to find the answer. Bosses like people who are problem solvers, which is one of the highly sought after skills for new hires.

I am not trying to say you should go out of your way to impress your boss (I mean feel free to do so if you want, but just don’t be braggy or a douche about it) but instead, focus on showing how you are a valuable asset. Show that you want to succeed in your job and that your boss made a good decision when he or she hired you. But don’t let your boss bully you or hand you stuff that doesn’t look like you’re supposed to be doing. 

If that happens, I recommend you speak to HR.

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